Hosted By Lilia Graue, Fiercely Embodied through Mindful Eating Mexico
A five-day intensive, advanced level workshop for participants interested in deep exploration of the hidden structures, beliefs and systems that shape conversation, practice and writing to impact health justice.
Core themes include:
Nutrition as social action
Thinking, un/feeling, learning through trauma
Why language matters
Matching theory and practice
Intended participants
Practitioners, activists, scholars committed to further exploring their use of a philosophy grounded in weight-inclusivity and social justice.
Topics and Teaching Outline:
Using an emancipatory pedagogy we’ll adopt the principles of whole person learning, and draw on the collective wealth of expertise and experiences in the room. There will be guided learning, small and large group activities, discussion and reflection that engages learners in different ways of knowing and suits a range of learning styles. We will take time to consider the implications of the learning to our own development and resilience and what this means for our professional practice. Lucy will draw on Well Now theory, which is compassion-centered, trauma-informed and justice-enhancing. As well as helping us shape practice, looking through a trauma-informed lens also invites us to question the deep roots of organizational knowledge-creation where a ‘trauma-ignored’ approach is too often embedded. Activities will be based around concepts deemed useful for us to explore together and also schedule time later in the week that we can use to discuss topics decided on by the group after we meet.
Sample course objectives include:
Developing an understanding of and appreciation for the knowledge that already exists in the group and explore how this has been shaped by implicit and explicit values and beliefs and personal and professional experiences.
Improved understanding of what is meant by whole person learning, praxis and critical pedagogy and how this enhances trauma-informed practice and scholarship.
Expanded working knowledge of concepts from social justice, social science and the humanities that can help shape practice.
The opportunity to examine ‘thought as a system’, focusing on the deep roots of disconnect in language and learning ways to alter this in our everyday and therapeutic conversations.
Demonstrate an understanding of the tensions, challenges and opportunities raised by conventional hierarchies, silences and processes in organizational knowledge creation, what this means for ethical autonomy, and how it supports or suppresses a trauma-informed discourse.
Critically examine the concept of salutogenesis and its relevance to community learning and belonging.
About the trainer
Lucy Aphramor, PhD, RD developed Well Now, an approach to nutrition that teaches compassion, fosters self-care and advances social justice. Lucy co-authored the book Body Respect. She is an award winning radical dietitian, and a spoken word poet. Visit Lucy’s website.
Preliminary schedule:
9:00 – 9:45 Meditation / yoga morning session (from second day)
9:45 – 10:00 Break
10:00 – 11:45 Opening Session
11:45 – 12:00 Tea break
12:00 – 14:00 Session 2
14:00 – 16:00 Lunch
16:00 – 17:30 Afternoon Session
17:45 – 18:00 Break
18:00 – 19:00 Evening Session
Super Early Bird (payment completed by April 30): $2,000*
Early Bird (payment completed after April 30 and by July 31): $2,500*
Full Rate (payment completed after July 31): $3,000*
*All prices in USD. A non-refundable deposit of $500 will be required to reserve your spot, and you can submit partial payments.
This event is hosted by Fiercely Embodied with Lilia Graue, MD, LMFT through Mindful Eating Mexico.
Questions and registration: