Ep 54 - Kimmie Singh


Kimmie Singh on the history of HAES and the importance of effective allyship in body liberation work.


In this episode, Kimmie shares her background as a fat dietitian and fat activist, what it was like for her navigating the traditional weight-centric education route as a HAES informed student, what Allyship is and how you can be a good ally, the history of the HAES movement, tips for speaking up and how to communicate thoughtfully in this paradigm, her vision for the future of dietetics and how she has evolved to become The Body Positive Dietitian. 

Here, Kimmie & Fi discuss:

  • First meeting and then crossing paths at the Weight-Inclusive Nutrition & Dietetics (WIND) Symposium, where Kimmie was a key-note speaker!

  • Kimmie’s background; what makes her special and her intention to create awareness around body diversity and fat activism in the health care profession.

  • Kimmie’ experience as a HAES informed student as she went through the traditional nutrition and dietetic education route.

  • Allyship; what it is and how you can be a good ally by considerately stepping aside and being thoughtful of safety.

  • The history of the HAES movement.

  • Tips for speaking up as a student and not expecting the person in the marginalised body to do it for you.

  • Being brave in your branding and what this means for those in marginalised bodies.

  • Thoughtful communication: how to discuss bodies without pathologizing and centring weight.

  • Kimmie’s vision for the future of dietetics; de-experting and getting uncomfortable.

  • The future for Kimmie and evolving to become The Body Positive Dietitian.


As mentioned in the podcast:

The history of HAES from the ASDAH blog;

Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - 1970’s & 1980’s

Part 3 – The early 1990’s

Part 4 – The mid-to-late 1990’s

Part 5 – The late 1990’s

More about KIMMIE:

Kimmie Singh is a fat Registered Dietitian based in New York City. She completed her Master of Science in Nutrition at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and her Dietetic Internship from The City University of New York-Hunter College. Kimmie is an associate at LK Nutrition, a Health at Every Size private practice that supports clients who are trying to heal their relationship with food and body. She also presents and consults on weight stigma in dietetics and dietetics training. Kimmie is a believer in kindness, compassion, and the power of advocacy. Learn more about Kimmie at www.bodypositivedietitian.com or on instagram @bodypositive_dietitian. 

Connect with kimmie:




