Ep 59 - Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas on the process of de-experting, unlearning and weight inclusive MNT for Dietitians and Nutritionists

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In this episode, Laura shares about her book; Just Eat It, to include getting the idea off the ground, the 

writing and publishing processes and evolving since publication, also the frameworks and principles that dietitians and nutritionists may find difficult when first moving to the non-diet / HAES & IE paradigm from the traditional weight-centric models and how they can overcome them and developing Weight-Inclusive guides for health professionals and clients; more about them and where you can find them.


Here Fi and Laura discuss:


  • Flipping the tables on Laura for a round of "Quick-Fire Action" (a fun, introductory activity which Laura uses to begin her Don’t Salt My Game Podcast)

  • Laura’s Book, Just Eat It;

  • How the book came to be written.

  • The writing and publishing process.

  • And changing and evolving as a health professional and human-being over time.


  • What dietitians and nutritionists may find difficult when first starting to adopt non-diet / HAES / intuitive eating frameworks and principles and practices that can help; 

    • The importance of de-experting and unlearning and using person-centred care to flick the ‘fixing’ instinct and uncover our client’s values.

    • Slowing down the intuitive eating principles and starting where it makes sense for the client. 

    • Why it might be helpful to establish a tool kit of coping skills for clients before commencing IE and where acceptance and commitment therapy fits in the process.

  • Weight-Inclusive Guides for dietitians, nutritionists and clients produced by the London Centre for Intuitive Eating; their aim, putting them into practice and where you can find them.